编辑: 左妍冰 | 时间: 2021-06-28 23:45:34 | 来源: 中央广播电视总台海峡飞虹 |
Guangzhou is one of the most attractive cities on the Chinese mainland for business and investment from Taiwan. And the city has made sure to provide Taiwan residents with easy access to coronavirus vaccines. Cao Bing has this report.
Things in Guangzhou are gradually calming down after its resurgence in COVID-19 cases. But the city is still on high alert and has been busy vaccinating those who live there including Taiwan residents.
Wang Qingxiang is the president of Taiwan Enterprise Association of Guangzhou. Even though the procedure is different to what locals go through, he says applying for COVID-19 vaccines is simple and easy.
WANG QINGXIANG President, Taiwan Enterprise Association of Guangzhou "Taiwan business people in Guangzhou have a different kind of ID card, and so far are not able to make appointments online by themselves. But the city government has set up a separate channel for them to make appointments for vaccines. I finished my two doses through that channel. I also encourage members of the association to get vaccinated as soon as possible."
The separate channel makes it possible for Taiwan people to make appointments and get vaccinated as quickly as locals.
CAO BING Guangzhou, Guangdong Province "This is the preparation room for vaccinations. Both Guangdong locals and Taiwan compatriots get prepared here in this room. They fill out their forms, get their blood pressure checked, register their personal information and finally get their shots. The whole process takes only a couple of minutes."
Getting both shots has provided many with a sense of relief.
"We are from Taipei and we have our family business here in Guangzhou. We came to get our second shots. It's good for ourselves as well as for the people around us."
"I didn't wait much time until I got the shots. And the staff answered all my questions before the vaccination."
"I've just finished my second shot, and my wife will come for her second shot next week."
Guangzhou started vaccinating people from Taiwan in late April. As of Thursday, nearly 5,000 shots have been completed, including some 3,000 people who have had the first dose and some 2,000 who have had the second. That accounts for around 20 percent of all Taiwan residents in the city.
The local government says the work continues to meet the demands of Taiwan business people in Guangzhou, as this will also help build a firewall against the virus. CB, CGTN, GZ, Guangdong Province.(海峡飞虹转载穗台e家微信公众号消息)
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